
Friends Who Buy Retail

Just wanted you to know that I bought a tube of Goe Oil today at our local drug store. Retail. How many of your friends pay retail for Jao products? I'm bringing the box on Saturday.



If you were at the tents this year for the New York Fashion Shows you might have seen our little
crew handing out to the lucky few a bottle o'Jao!... refreshing the slaves of fashion anyway we can!


Hi there, I discovered your amazing lip jao in a little drugstore in chelsea (nyc) today. I do consider myself a lip balm connoisseur! my first collection as a child was collecting every flavor of lipsmackers!:) anyway- i love your product and am hooked! will spread the word with my friends.
also - i am a reiki master, and love the 'jao' means something mystically healing. can u share more about it's etymology? Last - i am working on a project/book about joy -  and was tickled that you have on your label - "may your journey be joyous and your life fulfilled." beautiful. I wish u JOY
and thank you for a joy-filled product! ann