
Jao, a family business

Gale and David Mayron

This is me and my dad. He is the most amazing man. The best dad a girl could have. Ever since I was little I loved what he did. We always talked about creating something, a family business... we just didn't think it would take us so long to do it. After dad retired from forty-four plus years of experience to the artful synthesis of ancient pharmecopoeia and modern science in R and D at Smith Kilne is Center City (aka Philly), he and my mother bought a tiny plot of land in Hatfield, PA, and dad and mom built a little building, The Lab. I had had this idea of keeping my hands clean while on the job and in 1995 I asked dad one day while on the back porch, "How can I wash my hands while on the go?" "Gelled Alcohol" was his reply. Well, that wasn't as interesting as I would have liked, so I got to thinking, did a little research...anyway here we are 13 years later, on the market with Jao Hand Refresher since 1997.

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