Where to find Jao...
check out Saltedges... a beautiful store that stocks Jao!

Mischo Beauty Tip
WWD Beauty Biz reports that Mally Roncal's obsession with staying bacteria-free, after having twins, directly influenced her launch of additional makeup brushes. In the current issue, Mally shared five tips for keeping your makeup bacteria-free:
"1. Wash your hands with antibacterial wash. For my clients I use an antibac that smells like lavendar called Jao Hand Refresher. I put it on my hands and rub them together, then let it dry and put it over their faces. Not only do you kill germs, but you can enjoy a moment of peace."
from MischoBeauty.com
Serious Moisture : A little trip to the spa
My name is Jen and I bought some facial moisturizer from you a few weeks ago at the Spa and Resort

Thanks again!
Truth in Aging
below is an excerpt, or click the link to read the whole article.
"Among Jao Hand Refresher's legion of uses, I've heard that it will zap zits, bust germs at the gym, cool off the under-arm area, and provide an aromatherapy pick-me-up. Its formula is even safe for the sensitive skin on the face, where it has reportedly been used as an after-shave and an astringent. The name is clearly misleading - this "hand refresher" works wonders on the whole body.
Though the initial squirt smells strongly of alcohol, the gel then seems to transform into an herbal potion, leaving a lovely lavender aroma as it dissolves on the skin. Unlike every other commercial antibacterial product I've used, this one didn't make me want to rub my hands on a towel to get rid of a yucky, wet residue or an overpowering, sickly scent. Ethyl alcohol tends to be less drying, but I nonetheless felt an urge to moisturize my hands soon after "refreshing" them."
an excerpt is below, or click the link to read all the rave reviews!
"If you had to pick which useful product to have on hand on a deserted island, this would probably be the one. They call it “your portable sink” and recommend it be used for diaper-changing, aromatherapy boost, zit zapping, hand softening, facial astringent, after shave… Okay, there was more; but when I saw “after shave,” I thought, “Hmmm…I’m going to test that.” So, I decide to do a bikini shave to really put it to the test. Even got a little scrape in the process (owie!). Jao took care of the scrape and there was no irritation that often or usually happens from shaving this area. That was a first. As you-know-who would say, “It’s a good thing.”
I love your product!
got it at Alcone) & I said I had to get some.
Well Monday night I was doing the Quill Awards @ Lincoln Center &
this lady Jane had put some on her hands & I LOVED the smell & asked
what it was. Jao again. She said she got hers @ Alcone as well. I
read the back & called the number. There was a Whole Foods in the
basement & I just knew they had to have it & sure enough Wendy
answered the phone & looked it up & THEY HAD IT!!!!!! Bought 3 bottles.
I'm a make-up artist & will be using this everyday.
Belinda Moss
Flight 001
Jao Hand Refresher

Jao Hand Refresher™ was tested against seven of the most likely hand contaminants, specifically: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Candida albicans, Salmonella choleraseous, Streptococcus pneumoniae.
In all cases, the "kill rate" was less than one minute.
The gang

(L to R) Gale, Wes, Cliff, David & Wendy
Here is the gang at work. Wendy runs the entire business, customer service, shipping, everything. She is an angel. Wes ( in the striped shirt) is like another father to me. He was my neighbor growing up, nicknamed me Reds, and taught me softball. Cliff is a wonderful addition to the family, an old family friend. There you have it...the story of Jao.
You will love our other products too. Each one made with the utmost of care and sensitivity. Our Goe Oil is 100% natural, and another totally original product. Dad and I were working on it for the last five years... on and off, you know how it goes....
Jao, a family business
This is me and my dad. He is the most amazing man. The best dad a girl could have. Ever since I was little I loved what he did. We always talked about creating something, a family business... we just didn't think it would take us so long to do it. After dad retired from forty-four plus years of experience to the artful synthesis of ancient pharmecopoeia and modern science in R and D at Smith Kilne is Center City (aka Philly), he and my mother bought a tiny plot of land in Hatfield, PA, and dad and mom built a little building, The Lab. I had had this idea of keeping my hands clean while on the job and in 1995 I asked dad one day while on the back porch, "How can I wash my hands while on the go?" "Gelled Alcohol" was his reply. Well, that wasn't as interesting as I would have liked, so I got to thinking, did a little research...anyway here we are 13 years later, on the market with Jao Hand Refresher since 1997.