excerpt from Mollie Dash of Everbrite Mercantile Co. - Red Hook, Brooklyn FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2010
jao ltd.
since the store has been open, we've had the chance to introduce some new products to ebmerc. the whir of activity has slowed down updating of the website, but that is happening as I write this. one line we love in the store is JAO. I don't know which is better- the quality and purity of the products or the retro-inspired package design. according to the family-run company, Jao is a mystical word inscribed on a 2000-year-old charm believed to prevent and cure disease. the line, developed by Gale and her pharamceutical chemist dad, includes products that are created without dyes, petroleum or artificial fragrances. the yummy hand refresher, GOE oil body moisturizer, face creme and lip balm include such soothing ingredients as calendula, chamomile, rosemary, avocado oil and shea butter. (things you can eat!) I am totally hooked on Jao products and people in the neighborhood are becoming fans as well. come by the shop if you're in brooklyn and try our Jao samples! Posted by Mollie Dash at 12:35 AM